Electric vehicles (EVs) are heralded as the next step in the evolution of the automobile industry and a green and clean future - given that EVs do not emit any pollution (at least from the tailpipe) and it has the potential to eliminate any environmental and health concerns related to fossil fuel-based vehicles. With the continuous shift towards EVs, accurate forecasting of power demand is becoming more and more important in order to efficiently operate the charging stations. This way to predict power consumption allows both planning in advance and avoiding overload of the grid, power failures and helps in estimating for the company how many charging stations are needed to meet demand.
For global EV adoption to succeed, large, electrified cities need to ban together and demand infrastructure. We will lower greenhouse gas emissions, and we will help the earth by accelerating the increase of our EV population and reducing the use of vehicles that consume gas. Kirmson, actively promotes these same values as well. With the installation of more charging stations, we are truly working towards a greener planet and facilitating EV users with charging-ready stations at every step.